


To traverse through the vast and encompassing wilderness of a priceless land, to explore the beauty of this natural world while I still can, and to enjoy the sappy gossip of the trees.

Trail Log

First Hike of the Year, 01/13/2025: To celebrate a personal milestone, I hiked to the summit of Mary's Rock. This was 3.7-mile endeavor, there and back, with an elevation gain of 1,181ft.

It took me around 2 hours, as was estimated, and the snow still graced the mountain path which created a gorgeous and thrilling sight. The wind was particulary fierce this day, especially up at the peak, but the sun was out in all of its glory and provided a necessary distraction from the frosty bites of the wind.

There was only one other hiker in the area, taking photographs up at the peak, but I was alone on my ascent and descent. It was a quiet and peaceful time for reflection, and to remind myself to always be grateful for the time I have spent and have left on this planet. National Parks have a funny way of making one feel both wistful and small, but in the best way.

While Skyline Drive was closed due to inclement weather, Mary's Rock remained accessible from other avenues. The snow was piled high, and I was lucky to have a car with four-wheel drive and winter tires. Otherwise, I would have gotten stuck in the snow - just as an unfortunate hiker did on my way out. Some (more seasoned) hikers may view a 3.7-mile hike as rookie, but my appetite was particulaly ravenous afterwards. I am glad I brought an ample amount of food with me that day! With some stretches and a quick nap, I was ready to tackle another hike.

Total Stats as of January 2025:

  • 3.7 miles
  • 1,181ft of elevation gain


Honor Roll


Raquel Szuster
Feb 12, 2025
Michigan, US


Chelsea Vogtle
Feb 12, 2025
Virginia, US

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Fundraiser created by
Chelsea V


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